Friday, January 21, 2011

I will be keeping everyone up to date with my before and after of the "STRAIGHT BALL" GOLF SWING.

Corrections for myself.

- 1 inch closer on the stance.
- Take off on the backswing.
- Leave my rear against the wall to avoid crowding at impact.
- Let the waist slide through a little more to create space at impact.

Straight Ball Golf:

It is the belief that with a natural swing that is easy flowing everyone can hit the ball straight and true.

I suffered a serious wrist injury a few years back that managed to add 10 strokes back on to my game. I worked through it and have put together a very easy flowing golf swing. I am still at the early stages of it and will be continuosly posting videos with the progress.

Any questions feel free to comment and I will be more then happy to get back to you.


These are some of my favorite.

  Pulled from::::

It's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final, and a man makes his way to his seat right at center ice. He sits down, noticing that the seat next to him is empty. He leans over and asks his neighbor if someone will be sitting there. "No" says the neighbor. "The seat is empty." "This is incredible," said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Stanley Cup and not use it?" The neighbor says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. I was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first Stanley Cup we haven't been to together since we got married." "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. That's terrible... But couldn't you find someone else, a friend or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?" The man shakes his head. "No,” he says. “They're all at the funeral."

A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, “This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you.” The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, “Which do you want, son?” The boy takes the quarters and leaves. “What did I tell you?” said the barber. “That kid never learns!” Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream store. “Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?” The boy licked his cone and replied, “Because the day I take the dollar, the game is over!”

Three guys, stranded on a desert island, find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish. The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy wishes the same. The third guy says "I’m lonely. I wish my friends were back here with me."

Two campers are hiking in the woods when one is bitten on the rear end by a rattlesnake. "I’ll go into town for a doctor," the other says. He runs ten miles to a small town and finds the town’s only doctor, who is delivering a baby. "I can’t leave," the doctor says. ‘But here’s what to do. Take a knife, cut a little X where the bite is, suck out the poison and spit it on the ground." The guy ruins back to his friend, who is in agony. ‘What did the doctor say?" the victim asks. "He says you’re gonna die."

A guy is sitting at home when he hears a knock at the door. He opens the door and sees a snail on the porch. He picks up the snail and throws it as far as he can. Three years later, there’s a knock on the door. He opens it and sees the same snail. The snail says "What the hell was that all about?"

I always look for a woman who has a tattoo. I see a woman with a tattoo, and I’m thinking, okay, here’s a gal who’s capable of making a decision she’ll regret in the future. (Richard Jeni)

Two guys are walking down the street when a mugger approaches them and demands their money. They both grudgingly pull out their wallets and begin taking out their cash. Just then one guy turns to the other and hands him a bill. "Here’s that $20 I owe you," he says.

One friend is at dinner with another.
"I don't think I am going to see my psychiatrist again."
"Why is that?"
"Because after twelve years the only advise he can give is..."
"No hablo ingles."

I know a guy who called up the Home Shopping Network. They said "Can I help you?" and he said "No, I'm just looking." (George Miller)

If you know of any jokes please comment...
always up for a good laugh

The Ending Of Inception

First off....

Great movie. The best I have seen in a while. I am one of those people that love to see movies that make you think. This movie had no problem doing that.

The question i find most people asking is.... "Do you think he is awake at the end or in another dream world?"

I wish I had the answer... but instead only pose more questions.

I guess you can always weigh the two options... So lets do exactly that.


For example, he never saw his kids faces so we cannot easily tell if they had aged much from his memory.

In addition, the movie never defines the amount of time that has passed since Mal had died and Cobb was banned from the U.S. So the memory of his kids may only be a few months old, therefore it is very possible his kids look pretty much the same in the memories and in the present.

 In addition, the visual duration of the top spinning is never a trustworthy totem at all, since it is a property of the totem others can observe and recreate. If the top is to be trustworthy at all, it is Cobb's knowledge of how it feels to spin it that convinces him he is awake, not the duration of the spinning, which we can presume will end eventually in the final scene.

Visually, there is an obvious difference between the wobbly spinning in the end-scene and the absolutely perfect spin in the safe during limbo, again implying the possibility that the final spin could be natural (though only the feel in Cobb's fingers would know for sure). It is alleged that at the end of the film Cobb's children are wearing different, albeit similar clothing compared to the clothes they wear in Cobb's subconscious. In the opening scene dream, you get a glimpse of Cobb's hand. He's wearing his wedding ring. Now, if you follow the rest of the movie keeping an eye out for this you will notice that he only has the ring on when he's allegedly in a dream. At the end of the movie he isn't wearing the ring. If the ring only appears when he's in a dream and he's not wearing at the end of the film, that could be confirmation that in fact he woke up.


Cobb took the totem from Mal. Which means he can only know so much about its true feel.

The kids do look the same and are in the same position as his prior memory which suggests a dream.

Cobb spins the totem in the final scene and simply walks away from the totem. This tells us that NO matter what the situation is he is where he wants to be. Which is back with his children. Reality and dream worlds make no difference to him anymore.

A big thing I have not heard one person mention is this. When they go and Yusuf in the trashy basement people are dreaming. Once someone asks the question why would they be doing this for such long periods of time?... they go back and forth and a gentlemen asks Cobb about it. Cobb basically says that dreaming becomes life for these people and it is mentioned that people come here not to dream but to wake up. After all that talk they ask Cobb if he wants to test it. Cobb agrees and they put him under.
.... This is when he dreams for literally a second and "supposibly" wakes up and heads to the bathroom and washes his face. He is a sweating nervous wreck and if you look off to the side you can see the open window that Mal jumped out of. After that Cobb tries to spin his totem and someone walks in causing him to hit it over. WE NEVER GET TO SEE ANOTHER SPIN UNTIL THE END. Is it possible that Yusuf put him under and from there Cobb unknowingly worked himself back into Limbo?

Affordable Valentines Day Gifts and Ideas

1. Clean the house for the other and treat them to dinner and a hot bath. Make sure to involve some candles, nice music, and flowers.

2. Search around for romantic look out points and drive there to investigate the area. Once a spot is decided on plan a night and set out a blanket. Buy some wine and finger desserts such as chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries or mini cupcakes. Bring some fake light candles for the extra touch.
(If you are from Arizona just let me know and I will name a few places.)
Make sure you go during the day and at night so you can make sure the view is everything u want it to be.
Make sure you prepare for the wheather and how busy the area may be.
My wife and I have a special spot at the peak of a golf course on the tee box. It is in a private gated community. It is completely private and very original. We go there at least twice a year and on valentines day.

3. Plan a day for your significant other. Start it out with breakfast in bed followed by a bunch of activities that the other and yourself would enjoy.
-etc. etc.

Another way to do this is to send flowers to your wife's work the day before. In the note put a list of phone numbers that correspond with the events of the date. She will have to call each number to find out what it is you will be doing.

4. Buy a gift that she would really want.
Tell only one friend about it. Make sure it is a friend that has a phone number your wife does not have.
Write a considerate poem that gives clues to the gift and phone numbers she will need to call to find out about the gift. It is not that difficult to do and your significant other will have fun trying to work through it.
She will have to call the phone numbers. All of which are WRONG numbers that YOU have to make sure don't belong to anyone.
Once she gets a hold of your friend you will confirm and give her the gift. It is a nice build up to the suprise.

5. Put up hearts the size of post-its in the shape of letters throughout the house so it spells out "I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH" in a circular motion. You can also do this leading her through the house and into a room where you await with a gift or some flowers.

I have plenty of different ideas. The possibilities are really endless guys. Just use your imagination and follow your heart.

TIP: Guys... Make sure you always dress up in some form of suit and tie. First off it leaves a caring impression. Also women like it because then they feel like they have something to be dressed up and excited about. Believe me a majority of women love to get dolled up on occasion.

Hope these pointers and ideas help!

Comment if you have your own ideas you would like to share!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ideas To Help Your Relationship

1. Plan a suprise date where you actually pick her up at the house and go.
- This gives her time to get ready on her own and it is kinda like a dating (again) role play.

2. When the other is gone for the day clean up the house so they have a nice pleasent surrounding to come home to.
- A clean and healthy home can help in getting rid of that stress.

3. Make a lunch for your significant other and put a nice note at the bottom of it to suprise them at work.
- There is nothing better then having not to worry about lunch or getting a love note while working a stressful job.

4. Arrange time for each other to talk about things going on.
- This may seem like something for the women but it is also something for the men. Talking is extremely important. It helps prevent fights and makes the other feel appreciated.

5. When fighting do your best to make up before going to bed.
- always remind the other one that you love them.
- don't be afraid to apologize.
- My wife and I can both be pretty stubborn, but we both agree not to let that effect our relationship.

6. Always.... and i mean Always resolve issues together. It is very important to talk things over and discuss issues together. Marriage is not just ONE person.

7. Learn from other married couples. My grandparents have been married for 52 years. Every chance I get I ask them questions.

8. If you feel like there is a barrier. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Even if it means seeing a counselor. Believe me if you love the person enough you should be willing to fight to break down any barriers.

9. Stay active together. Staying healthy is a big part of a positive attitude. So find something healthy and fun for you both to do.
-For example: My wife and I play tennis and run together frequently. We are not that great at tennis but we enjoy eachothers company.

10. Always be excited when the other gets home and give them a hug and an I love you. The same goes for when they leave. (except for the excited part).
-Somedays you may be tired and just want to lay down, but if you take the time to do this you will always light some flames.

If you have any questions just comment.

Good (Love) to all the married ... or about to be married couples out there.

Oh and the most important thing...

Marriage is not 50 - 50 ... It is 100 - 100.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Without actually being able to see your swing I will share some basic tips that involve GAS.


Your grip may be to tight. This can cause MANY problems and most people don't even realize that they are doing it. By gripping to tight you will decrease the clubs speed at impact because you are not allowing your body to flow naturally like rusted hinges. It will also keep you from releasing which is terribly if your slicing the ball because not releasing will cause a push. If you are push-slicing it you are not having any fun.

TIP: Try re-examing your grip. If you come to the conclusion that it is to tight try to take your stance and WAGGLE. Grip the club with your normal grip (aggressive) and waggle the club back and forth until the grip losens. Hit balls just focusing on a relaxed grip and you will see the improvement. Another thing to do is possibly change your grip all together. I always suggest this for beginner golfers due to the fact that for golfers with experience changing grips can be very difficult and the student will go through growing pains. If you use an baseball grip (Hands together, not connected) I would suggest changing to an Interlocking grip. If you are currently using an interlocking grip I would suggest the overlapping grip as a solution. (If you don't know what these grips are just comment and I will explain.)
The key is to losen the grip and make the swing a thing of poetry... not tragedy.

Hand position on the club can also cause the effect of a slice. It will not effect your swing path but will effect your club face relative to impact. If you are a right handed golfer and you take your grip and your thumb line is pointing to the LEFT of you. This simply means that on your downswing your club face will naturally open up promoting a slice on the ball. If your thumb line is to the RIGHT of the club that will cause the club face to close down which would promote a favorable hook.
(If it is nuetral you may want to try and grip a little to the right and see if closing down the face can assist in a cleaner release. (A more squared face at impact.)


One common problem people have that slice the ball is the belief that they can't fix it so the aim in the opposite direction. (Right handed golfer aims to the left to "play" the slice.) This is an issue because it actually will proceed to put the swing angle on an outside path which will in return cause more of a slice.

TIP: Always lay a club on the ground or if you want to get fancy some white chalk. Make sure you hit balls at the range doing this at ALL TIMES. Once you take your stance make sure your shoulders are square as well. To do this take your stance. Then with the club you are holder put it horizontal across your shoulder blades. If you look down it should be lined up with the chalk or other club on the ground. This will confirm that your stance is "Square" and not open (which causes the ball to slice.)

You may want to consider taking the foot closest to the pin and sliding just that foot closer to the ball. Just about an inch. It will feel like you are aiming even further right, but actually you are closing down your stance which promotes an inside path. This is the exact opposite of what causes a slice and may be a useful tool in curing yours.


I kinda indulged above with some of the set up changes that can be made. Just remember to keep the balance at the center of your feet and try to draw the club back to the inside of the golf ball. This will help to keep the club on the inside and help avoid that slicing motion.

Standing an inch or so further back from the ball may also help in keeping that swing plane inside and under control.

I tried to make an effort to simplify the information on here so it is easy to digest. If you have any questions at all just comment and I will be more then happy to help.

These are only quick fixes and in some cases will only help and not cure the slice. If you want professional help seek advice from a local pro.

Good luck in putting up those low numbers.

All you need to know about BlackJack


Premise of the Game

The basic premise of the game is that you want to have a hand value that is closer to 21 than that of the dealer, without going over 21. Other players at the table are of no concern. Your hand is strictly played out against the hand of the dealer. The rules of play for the dealer are strictly dictated, leaving no decisions up to the dealer. Therefore, there is not a problem with the dealer or any of the other players at the table seeing the cards in your hand. Indeed, if you're playing at a shoe game, the player cards are all dealt face up. In any event, when you're just learning to play, don't hesitate to show the dealer or other players your cards and ask questions.

Values of the Cards

In blackjack, the cards are valued as follows:
  • An Ace can count as either 1 or 11, as explained below.
  • The cards from 2 through 9 are valued at their face value.
  • The 10, Jack, Queen, and King are all valued at 10.
The suits of the cards do not have any meaning in the game. The value of a hand is simply the sum of the point counts of each card in the hand. For example, a hand containing (5,7,9) has the value of 21. The Ace can be counted as either 1 or 11. You need not specify which value the Ace has. It's assumed to always have the value that makes the best hand. An example will illustrate: Suppose that you have the beginning hand (Ace, 6). This hand can be either 7 or 17. If you stop there, it will be 17. Let's assume that you draw another card to the hand and now have (Ace, 6, 3). Your total hand is now 20, counting the Ace as 11. Let's backtrack and assume that you had instead drawn a third card which was an 8. The hand is now (Ace, 6, 8) which totals 15. Notice that now the Ace must be counted as only 1 to avoid going over 21.
A hand that contains an Ace is called a "soft" total if the Ace can be counted as either 1 or 11 without the total going over 21. For example (Ace, 6) is a soft 17. The description stems from the fact that the player can always draw another card to a soft total with no danger of "busting" by going over 21. The hand (Ace,6,10) on the other hand is a "hard" 17, since now the Ace must be counted as only 1, again because counting it as 11 would make the hand go over 21.

The Deal of the Cards

Once the cards are dealt play proceeds around the table, starting at the first seat to the dealer's left, also called first base. Each player in turn indicates to the dealer how he wishes to play the hand. The various player decisions are covered in their own section below. After each player has finished his hand, the dealer will complete his hand, and then pay or collect the player bets.

How the Dealer Plays His Hand

The dealer must play his hand in a specific way, with no choices allowed. There are two popular rule variations that determine what total the dealer must draw to. In any given casino, you can tell which rule is in effect by looking at the blackjack tabletop. It should be clearly labeled with one of these rules:
  • "Dealer stands on all 17s": In this case, the dealer must continue to take cards ("hit") until his total is 17 or greater. An Ace in the dealer's hand is always counted as 11 if possible without the dealer going over 21. For example, (Ace,8) would be 19 and the dealer would stop drawing cards ("stand"). Also, (Ace,6) is 17 and again the dealer will stand. (Ace,5) is only 16, so the dealer would hit. He will continue to draw cards until the hand's value is 17 or more. For example, (Ace,5,7) is only 13 so he hits again. (Ace,5,7,5) makes 18 so he would stop ("stand") at that point.
  • "Dealer hits soft 17": Some casinos use this rule variation instead. This rule is identical except for what happens when the dealer has a soft total of 17. Hands such as (Ace,6), (Ace,5,Ace), and (Ace, 2, 4) are all examples of soft 17. The dealer hits these hands, and stands on soft 18 or higher, or hard 17 or higher. When this rule is used, the house advantage against the players is slightly increased.
The dealer has no choices to make in the play of his hand. He must simply hit until he reaches at least 17 or busts by going over 21.

What is a Blackjack, or a Natural?

A blackjack, or natural, is a total of 21 in your first two cards. A blackjack is therefore an Ace and any ten-valued card, with the additional requirement that these be your first two cards. If you split a pair of Aces for example, and then draw a ten-valued card on one of the Aces, this is not a blackjack, but rather a total of 21. The distinction is important, because a winning blackjack pays the player odds of 3 to 2. A bet of $10 wins $15 if the player makes a blackjack. A player blackjack beats any dealer total other than blackjack, including a dealer's three or more card 21. If both a player and the dealer have blackjack, the hand is a tie or push.
The dealer will usually pay your winning blackjack bet immediately when it is your turn to play. In the face down games, this means that you should show the blackjack to the dealer at that time. Some casinos may postpone paying the blackjack until after the hand is over if the dealer has a 10 card up and has not checked for a dealer blackjack. Other casinos check under both 10 and Ace dealer upcards, and would therefore pay the blackjack immediately. Regardless, when you are dealt a blackjack, turn the cards face up, and smile. It only happens about once every 21 hands, but it accounts for a lot of the fun of the game.



We start with one of the least common decisions, but it is appropriate to begin with surrender, because this decision must be made before any other choice about playing your hand. Not every game offers surrender, and those that do fall into two categories which bear expanation: Early vs Late.

Surrender offers you as a player the choice to fold your hand, at the cost of half of the original bet. You must make that decision prior to taking any other action on the hand. For example, once you draw a third card, or split, or double down, surrender is no longer an option.

It is rare to see this at casinos, but if you have the urge to play online blackjack most of the software provides the surrender option.


The most common decision a player must make during the game is whether to draw another card to the hand ("hit"), or stop at the current total ("stand"). The method you use to indicate your decisions to the dealer depend on which kind of game you are playing.
In the face-up shoe game, you indicate that you want another card by tapping the table behind your cards with a finger. You'll be required to make the hand signals, rather than just announcing "hit" or "stand" to the dealer. This is to eliminate any confusion or ambiguity in what you choose, and also for the benefit of the ever-present surveillance cameras. If you go over 21, or "bust", the dealer will collect your bet, and remove your cards from the table immediately. When you decide to stand, just wave your hand in a horizontal motion over your cards.

Doubling Down

Among the more profitable player options available is the choice to "double down". This can only be done with a two card hand, before another card has been drawn. Doubling down allows you to double your bet and receive one, and only one, additional card to the hand. A good example of a doubling opportunity is when you hold a total of 11, say a (6,5) against a dealer's upcard of 5. In this case, you have a good chance of winning the hand by drawing one additional card, so you might as well increase your bet in this advantageous situation.

Splitting Pairs

When you are dealt a matching pair of cards (remember, ignore the suits), you have the ability to split the hand into two separate hands, and play them independently. Let's say you are dealt a pair of eights for a total of sixteen. Sixteen is the worst possible player hand, since it is unlikely to win as is, but is very likely to bust if you draw to it. Here's a great chance to improve a bad situation.
Place a matching bet beside the original bet in the circle. Note that you must bet the same amount on a split, unlike a double-down, where you are allowed to double for less. The dealer will separate the two cards, and treat them as two independent hands. Let's say you draw a 3 on the first 8, for a total of 11. Many casinos will allow you to double down on that hand total of 11 at this point. When this is allowed, the rule is called "Double after Split", predictably enough. Regardless, you can play the first hand to completion, at which point the dealer will deal a second card to the second hand, and you can begin making play decisions on it.
If you get additional pairs (in the first two cards of a hand), most casinos will allow you to resplit, making yet another hand. The most common rule allows a player to split up to 3 times, making 4 separate hands, with 4 separate bets. If double after split is allowed, you could have up to 8 times your initial bet on the table if you chose! Some casinos restrict resplitting, and some allow unlimited splitting. Another fine point is that you are allowed to split any 10-valued cards, so you could split a (Jack, Queen) hand. However, this is usually a bad play: Keep the 20.
The other complication for pair splits concerns splitting Aces. Splitting Aces is a very strong player move, so the casino restricts you to drawing only one additional card on each Ace. Also, if you draw a ten-valued card on one of your split Aces, the hand is not considered a Blackjack, but is instead treated as a normal 21, and therefore does not collect 3:2 odds. Some casinos allow resplitting Aces if you draw another, while many do not allow resplitting Aces although they often do allow resplitting of any other pairs. With all these restrictions, you may wonder whether it makes sense to split Aces. The answer is a resounding YES. Always split pairs of Aces.

(Above Information provided by


This is where it gets interesting. First things first. Find a good strategy chart to follow.

^^That is the one I use.

When I am playing for a good time I do use a strict betting system. Now if anyone plays or knows anything about blackjack they will tell you that betting systems DON'T WORK and EVEN if you are winning you will at some point lose that money. If you hear this I will tell you that they are 100% telling you the TRUTH. If anyone tells you they have a winning system for blackjack they are lying.

Now that we have that covered if you are still interested in a betting strategy I have one that I use and honestly have profited from more times then not.

The system is called the 1-2-3-5 Betting System.

The system starts by betting one Unit. (For example you walk to the table with 50 dollars. You would do 5 dollar bets. 1 Unit = $5.00.)

Bet 1: 5.00     Win: Double next bet to 10.00      Lose: Bet 5.00 again.
Bet 2: 10.00   Win: Increase next bet to 15.00     Lose: Bet 5.00 on next bet.
Bet 3: 15.00   Win: Increase next bet to 25.00     Lose: Bet 5.00 on next bet.
Bet 4: 25.00   Win: Walk away from the table.    Lose: Bet 5.00 on next hand.

The point of this system is to maximize your wins and minimize your loses. Another way to put it is....

Maximize your time at the table. The reason I like to do that because at most casinos they will give you free drinks while playing. Now what is better then that.

I am in NO WAY informing anyone that this is a guaranteed way to beat the blackjack. Everyone should be aware that with basic strategy implied the house will still have at least roughly a .06% advantage over the player.

For real casinos this is the only form of a system I use.

For online casinos I do throw some random acts into my play. I will have a video posted for that.


1. Is there a system that beats the dealer?... No there is not.

2. Is counting cards easy?... the rules to it are. To be successfull at it however takes great memory, patience, practice, practice, more practice, and a bit of role playing skill.

3. Can you count cards against an automatic card shuffler (CSM)? Good question. The answer is NO you can't. It is impossible because of the fact that the true count goes right back to 0 after every hand because the casino does not have a burn pile.

4. Is the Martingale System Profitable? No No No No No... No. I could not say it enough. The system goes under the ideal that you will not lose (So) many hands in a row. So if you double your bet after every loss you will sooner or later win and make a profit. Listen closely everyone. I have once went to the table and lost 11 hands of blackjack in a row. If I were using this system this is how it would of looked.

Losses: 5  10  20  40  80  160  320  640  1280  2560  5120.... Now add that up together... lol. That is why you don't use this system. Even if you had unlimited funds you would max out the table bet so it would be impossible to win your money back.

5. Do card counters always make a profit? This is a good question. The answer is no. Statistically they have an advantage to make more of a profit, but that does not mean you will win. Also counters must establish a pocket before betting big. If a pocket is not established then the counter is most likely losing money off waiting for that pocket to occur.


Short version of the story - Back in the day casinos had very little blackjack tables. It wasn't even a popular game. Then a math wiz comes along and basically tells everyone that if you imply math to blackajck you could create an advantage. He then proved this statement to be true. Card counting was officially born and EVERYONE thought they could take down the casino. The casino loved it because VERY few people were able to count cards and mostly everyone else wrote checks to the casino thinking just by playing the game they would win. The casino now has ways of beating counters. CSM being the counter's killer. It is an automated shuffler that shuffles all previous hands back in to cirrculation. Which means counters can not pick up a true count. The casino also increases profit because hands are played faster. Which is always great for the casino because they already have the advantage, so the more hands that are played equals an increase of profit.

The Idea of counting cards is pretty simple. It is actually being successful at it which is a whole different story.

Every card has a value.

7,8,9 = 0   10,J,Q,K,A = -1   2,3,4,5,6 = +1

We know that there are exactly 52 cards to 1 deck. Which means...

7,8,9 = 12 cards   10,J,Q,K,A = 20 cards   2,3,4,5,6 = 20 cards

12+20+20 = 52 total cards.

Now that you know that it is time to practice counting.

Take any 1 deck of cards and turn it face down so you can not see the value.

Flip the cards face up and starting from 0 begin counting.

For example: They are dealt
10,K,7,3,2,8,9 - In your head you would be counting.
-1,-2,-2,-1,0,0,0....  At that point your count would be 0.
On a grander scale that means there is still the same amount of +1 value cards as -1 valued.

WHEN TO BET: The overall purpose is to wait until there is a "pocket". A pocket being a point in the game where the dealer has dealt more -1 cards then he has +1 cards. It is said for every deck the casino is using you should wait until a +4 count per deck. Which means if the casino is using 5 decks. You should be betting small until you come upon a count of around +20. Which means there is 20 more face cards then low cards. This is an overall advantage to the player. Not much, but it is an advantage.

Counting cards is a difficult process. Like I said above it takes a lot of time and patience. That is why a lot of people do it in groups. This is done by havng people sit at a variety of tables counting the cards and betting small. Once the deck gets hot and a solid count is established they signal over a "high-roller" who comes in betting heavy. Some form of signal has to be raised to the high-roller of what the count is when he arrives at the table. The reason for this is the HR must be able to count for himself to know when the deck gets cold. It is NOT illegal to count cards, but you will get removed from casinos in most cases because of it. In other cases the casino will ask that you can only make a one limit bet for your remaining time at the table.

There are also many different counting systems that are far more complex. If you would like to know more simply comment and I will break it down for you.

I have successfully counted cards before. I don't find it to be very entertaining, but wanted to give it a try. Because I go to the casino for strictly entertainment I really don't bother trying it.

To hear about my 3 card counting stories go ahead and comment and I'll be more then happy to share.

If you have any questions just comment and I'll get back to you.

Have fun gambling guys and do it responsibly.